Well, I’m not gonna beat around the bush… Cluck Norris is no longer with us. I’m not sure what happened, maybe it was a kick to the head, or perhaps a broken heart. Regardless, he will be missed, especially by our goat, Eclipse. What are the odds that the poor rooster was unnamed for three years, and shortly after we finally gave him an official name, he dies?! Maybe I should stop naming animals…

What I am about to say, is going to make me sound really “out there“. I went out to where the alpacas and the goat were about a day after we found the rooster and I started talking to them about the rooster, asking them what happened, and telling the goat I’m sorry he lost his buddy. The alpacas got closer than they ever are to me and gave me this look, as if to say, “Yes... What on earth happened?!“ I told them I didn’t know how it happened and they turned up their nose and walked away from me as if to say, “Ugh, we thought you had answers.”
It took everything within Seth not to laugh at me as I was pretty troubled over how this rooster could just die like that. He didn’t share my love for Cluck Norris. But, lucky for Seth we got 10 new chickens from my friend, and it looks like about five of them are roosters 😬Let’s just say that if we do name them, they will be named things like Popeye, Kentucky Fried, Noodle Soup, Good with Dumplings, Chik fil A…If you catch my drift…
With Seth and I being the bleeding hearts that we are, that will probably be easier said than done, but there is no way we are going to have five roosters, and nothing taste quite like homegrown chicken. We might keep one, to defend the girls and help them reproduce if we want to go that route.
All that to say, we’ll probably have a Cluck Norris 2.0, but the OG Cluck Norris has gone to a land far far away with luscious green grass, plump hens to protect, and sunrises to greet.